Industrial and Engineering Eco-Friendly Chemicals

Ecozyme eco-friendly industrial and engineering cleaning chemicals represent a remarkable advancement in sustainable practices for maintaining industrial facilities and equipment.
These specialised solutions have been thoughtfully formulated to minimise adverse environmental impacts while effectively addressing tough cleaning challenges.

With a growing focus on sustainability, Ecozyme’s environmentally responsible cleaning chemicals are becoming the go-to choice for conscientious industrial and engineering cleaning practices.

Potent bio-enzyme degreasing chemical which is natural, safe, non-toxic and biodegradable. Powerful instant cleaning, and extremely versatile.

Powerful eco cleaner for concrete floors, workshop areas, concrete pads, parking complexes, airport runways, and much more.

Potent biodegradable eco-friendly formulation for effectively removing rust in a very wide wide variety of applications while protecting metals.

Powerful environmentally friendly chemical formulation for effectively descaling and removing lime scale in multiple applications.

Heavy duty hand grit cleaner for the toughest greases on hands. Exceptional unmatched performance. Cost effective. Eco friendly.

Non caustic carbon remover which removes grease and burned on carbon from hot working surfaces.

Potent degreasing agent which is natural, safe, non-toxic and biodegradable. Safely and easily removes ink stains and ink buildup.

Non caustic carbon remover which removes grease and burned on carbon from hot working surfaces.

Extremely powerful non-toxic boiler cleaner for effortlessly and safely removing lime scale boilers.

More powerful and eco-friendly, an ideal replacement for petroleum derived products. Health benefits for workers. Excellent results.

Effective spray on to loosen bolts, works into tight joints and dissolve hardened greases and oils to assist in the removal of bound nuts and bolts.

Excellent release agent for tar & asphalt trucks for easy unloading. Ideal replacement for diesel fuels which are not suited to be dumped on the ground.

High performance for tar and asphalt grading. Insure the proper mix of aggregate sizes and oils in the asphalt extraction methodology.

Use instead of mineral spirits & petroleum compounds. Reduce volume of solvent use. Drying times not affected. Environmentally kind.

Replace mineral spirits, methyl ethyl ketone, acetone, toluene, glycol ethers, fluorinated and chlorinated organic solvents. Eco-friendly.

This incredible new product has been proven to completely eradicate sludge build ups within 3 weeks. Another industry first from Ecozyme.

Excellent alternative to hazardous acid & caustic cleaners. Won’t disrupt bacterial action. Maintain afterwards with automated Fat Trap Gobbler.

Natural with no petroleum distillates. Strips away the heaviest grease, grime, wax, oils, adhesives, tar and asphalt, gums and more. Fresh scent.